There are many reasons parents choose tutoring for their children. Some parents feel unable to help their children with schoolwork. Others may find their children are more open to working through school obstacles with another person. Tutoring can help strengthen subject comprehension, boost confidence, and build fundamental learning skills.

Tutoring gives students individualized attention that they don't get in a crowded classroom or boot camp settings. This helps children who struggle to keep up, as well as those who aren't challenged enough. It also keeps students on track during breaks from school, such as during Spring Break, or over the summer.


Tutoring programs can help your child develop study and learning skills that will help set up your child for success for his or her entire life. There are many advantages of tutoring services:

Individual and unique learning experience

Your child will receive an individualized learning experience he or she can't always get in a classroom setting. CodingTutors can customize the lessons and activities just for your child.

One-on-one attention

Coding tutors get to know your child's learning style and can adapt teaching methods accordingly. They act as your child's private teacher and self-esteem advocate.

Improves Technical performance

Tutoring will prepare your child for tests and exams, while tutors work with your child on specific problem areas. Your child's grades and understanding of the subject will significantly improve when working with a coding tutor.

Improves confidence regarding problem-solving.

Learning to code will become fun for your child. With constant encouragement and praise, your child will no longer feel overwhelmed or frustrated with technology.

Encourages self-paced and self-directed learning.

With tutoring, your child will learn to take the initiative in his or her technical workflow. Your child will also learn how to control the learning pace.

Mentors improve self-esteem and confidence.

Your child's self-esteem and confidence will increase through tutoring, by providing him or her with the resources and skills he or she needs to excel in school.

Improves work and study habits

Through tutoring, your child will learn work and study habits he or she will use for life. These skills will help prepare your child to successfully achieve his or her goals both inside and outside of school.

Positive workspace

Brotherswhocode tutors provide an environment free of distractions, with fewer students and disruptions around so your child is better able to focus on learning.

Encourages independence and responsibility

Your child will gain the ability to do web development on his or her own, without your help. Your child will realize his or her personal growth and will learn to take responsibility for his or her projects.

Helps overcome learning coding obstacles.

Your child's tutor will specifically target whichever aspect of learning he or she is having troubles with, whether it's writing code, problem-solving, research, or learning new technologies.

Encourages the freedom to ask questions.

At school, your child may not always feel comfortable asking questions in front of his or her peers. Tutoring will help teach your child to be comfortable asking questions, big or small, without feeling self-conscious.

Improves social and behavioral skills,

Tutoring services will help your child become a better communicator, form better relationships with peers, and make more positive social and problem-solving adjustments.

Increases ability to manage one's programming learning.

Your child will become more competent in his or her learning and more successful in managing his or her technical workflow.

Coding tutors nurture those who need it.

Tutoring helps bored or under-stimulated children reach their full potential.

Prepares your child for real-life challenges.

Students heading off to college will learn how to create study plans, develop advanced study skills, and learn superior time management skills. There are numerous benefits of tutoring in college, including reinforcement of existing knowledge and gaining a better understanding of a field of study.

WHY Brotherswhocode Mentoring?

With Brotherswhocode, our customized tutoring programs teach your child the Technolgy skills he or she needs to deal with the challenges of feeling like an imposter and will help him or her develop critical thinking and learning skills that are used for life.


Brotherswhocode Learning offers customized programs personalized to your child's unique and coding needs. Your child will receive a customized learning plan, learning strategies to implement while coding, develop study and organization tips, and learn improved programming habits.


Your child will receive one-on-one instruction balanced with individualized work at Brotherwhocode Learning. Most importantly, your child will learn how to have fun learning to code. We want your child to enjoy and be excited about Programming and learning Technologies, so he or she can reach his or her potential.

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